ON BEHALF OF Save Straiton for Scotland.
- Sclenteuch WindFarm ECU 00003318 have applied for nine turbines up to 200metres high, RES states: ‘normally’ rated at 6MW (Max Total MW Of Development Applied For:). This site is totally unsuitable for a wind power plant of this size as the Proposed Development is located approximately 1 km south of Patna and Waterside with a population of around 2000 people and there are well over a hundred homes within close proximity to the site. Eighty six noise receptor homes, are listed in Table 12.7 – with only SIX assumed representative background noise survey locations, listed on pages 9 & 10 in the Noise EIAR Vol 1 Chapter 12.
1.1. As can clearly seen in the applicant’s Figure A5.4.1 (above) – Residential Visual Amenity Assessment, this industrial wind power plant will have an overbearing impact on surrounding communities and visitors to the area, 7 – 9 turbines being clearly visible and dominating this area.
2. Following the Regulatory planning hearing on 27th June 2023, South Ayrshire Council submitted their response offering no objection to this development. Save Straiton for Scotland strongly object to this response particularly with regard to the impact upon the residential amenity of all the sensitive locations in the surrounding Community.
The lack of opposition by SAC to the proposed development does not assure that the nearby Communities will have an acceptable residential amenity as described below:
This is contrary to South Ayrshire Council Supplementary Guidance: Wind Energy South Ayrshire Council (2015) Supplementary Guidance on Wind Energy (superseded) Part 2:
Development Criteria.
We will support proposals if: they do not have a significant detrimental visual impact, taking into account
views experienced from surrounding residential properties and settlements, public roads and paths,
significant public viewpoints, and important recreational assets and tourist attractions;
An assessment of the visual effects on the following interests (where relevant) will be requested: Homes
and towns and villages within 5km of a windfarm.
C: Communities Quality of Life and Amenity
The siting and design of a windfarm provide the most effective means of minimising visual and landscape
impacts. Design objectives should take into account local residential property and the extent that the
proposal will be visible. This design process should seek to minimise significant visual effects on private
property work place or community facility. As a general rule a minimum separation distance of 2km from
towns and villages to a turbine will be will be required. Individual dwellings should be suffiently distant to
minimize significant visual effects. This assessment should be informed by residential visual amenity
surveys, all property within 2.5km of wind turbines should be considered in this assessment. Also
G: Cumulative Impact
Establishing boundaries and maintaining visual separation from other wind farms would allow for a clear
distinction to be perceived between the wind-farmed landscape and the landscape beyond. It is therefore
proposed, consistent with Scottish Planning Policy (Paragraph 169), to provide significant protection to
the sensitive foothills and valley areas in the immediate vicinity of these windfarm landscapes in order
that the integrity of local landscapes and their character can be retained. These areas have been
incorporated within table 2, Landscape Strategy
2.1. SAC’s Regulatory Panel decision is contrary to the planning system which is intended to protect the health and well being of those who are impacted by planning developments. South Ayrshire Local Development plan adopted in August 2022 on page 79 states:
Air, noise and light pollution can have serious effects on health and well-being. Rather than trying to lessen these effects after a development has taken place, we think it is more effective to avoid developing areas where these problems could occur.
LDP policy: air, noise and light pollution:
We will not allow development which would expose people to unacceptable levels of air, noise or light pollution.
- A Supreme Court judgment in Australia (Bald Hills)[1] notably stated there should be no preference towards the development of renewable energy to the detriment of people nearby. A development should be able to both address the need for renewable energy AND provide an acceptable environment for those nearby to have an acceptable acoustic amenity.
Read and download the full objection on Noise and Residential Amenity here:
Sclenteuch NIA and Residential Amenity objection 21.7.23
Links to the Appendices referenced in the report are listed below:
Appendix 1 CD Save Straiton 15 Bald Hills T0145
Appendix 2: CD Save Straiton 14 witness statements
Appendix 3: 517357-290416 Hadyard Hill Meeting Minutes (GL)
Appendix 4 CD 17 23 Matters for Reporters Noise. docx
Appendix 5: CD Save Straiton 7 Hearing Statement Rita Holmes April 2023
Appendix 6: IARO-Commentary on 2017 HPS document-MAP (2)
Appendix 7 CD Save Straiton 9 IARO Conjoined Inquiry FINAL
Appendix 8CD Save Straiton 11 IARO chapter 85225
Appendix 9 CD Save Straiton 12 IARO23-1 White Paper on the Harmonic Series Metrics
All Sclenteuch Application documents can be found here: