This letter by Ove Björklund, The Association for Swedish Landscape Protection, has been circulated amongst Swedish politicians, the Forest Board, the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the Business Board along with other authorities to get the truth about the wind power and especially the low frequency noise and the worrying effects of the infra-energy pulses over long distances in public health, the environment, ecosystems, biodiversity, agricultural and forestry industries .
It highlights several breakthrough documents including Wind Turbine Syndrome:
• Wind Turbine Syndrome: The Impact of Wind Farms on Suicide. Eric Zou. October 2017
• Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Judgement 2017-12-04
• Mariana Alves Pereira’s latest paper and earlier papers of pathological effects
• Interview with Sven Johannsen re low frequency noise and vibration 12.9.2017 Original Article: Dokument (4).vibration and lfn Germany pdf
This centralisation of power to central government and state environmental assessment delegations
can have irreparable health effects for affected citizens and future generations.
The current state-controlled environmental assessment process has major deficiencies which also
cause serious threats to public health and damage to the environment, biodiversity, ecosystems and
the Swedish forestry industry.
Two other interesting tracks that Ove followed:
1. CSR Sweden. Civil Social Rigths.
Task of acting for the implementation of United Nations Global Compact United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
ISO 26000 Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility International Labour Organisation Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises on Social Policy OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
CSR-Sweden has five functionaries in Stockholm and the Nordic countries has headquarters in Copenhagen.
Two letters have been sent to them, the parliamentary members and the residence permit for the withdrawal of Sveaskog AB’s FSC certificate, which is based on the Ängersjö campaign and the state’s lack of respect for human rights regarding intrusion, harmful impact on noise, ecosystems , etc.
2. The State Agenda 2030 delegation.
Which will work for the implementation of this Agenda. This delegation is also important for human rights. Information has been sent to 7 members in the delegation, which should also monitor state-owned companies.
This requires depth analysis how to act. Anyhow these few people will be of great importance to future developments and must receive all up-to-date information about the threats to public health and the environment. It is assumed that corresponding delegations exist in all countries?