Andrew Vivar’s whose life has been turned upside down since Ark Hill Windfarm was developed has been researching Vibro Acoustic Disease:
“The vibrations induced by the operation of the wind towers (movement of the blades and the remaining existing mechanical equipment) have a frequency content concentrated in bands with medium frequency 3 Hz, 8 Hz, 15 Hz, 28 Hz, and especially around 55 Hz. We can see clearly that some of the bands may vary with the speed of movement of the blades (which in turn is correlated with wind speed).”
I am woken by frequencies T 3Hz
The link between Vibro Acoustic Disease (VAD) and Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS)
VAD is an acknowledged medical disease caused primarily by the frequencies of Infrasound (0 – 20Hz) and Low Frequency Noise (20 – 500Hz). These frequencies are commonly grouped together as ILFN (0 – 500Hz). [1]
Respiratory pathology induced by ILFN is not a novel subject given that in the 1960’s, within the context of U.S. and U.S.S.R. Space Programs, its existence was being reported. [2]
Central nervous system disorders in workers exposed to ILFN were first observed 25 years ago among aircraft technicians. Concurrently, respiratory pathology was identified in these workers, and later reproduced in ILFN-exposed animal models. [3]
In 1987, the first autopsy of a deceased VAD patient was performed. The extent of ILFN induced damage was overwhelming, and the information obtained is, guiding many of the associated and ongoing research projects. [4]
In both human and animal models, ILFN exposure causes thickening of cardiovascular structures. Pericardial thickening with no inflammatory process, and in the absence of diastolic dysfunction, is the hallmark of VAD.
Depressions, increased irritability and aggressiveness, a tendency for isolation, and decreased cognitive skills are all part of the clinical picture of VAD.
In VAD, the end-product of collagen and elastin growth is reinforcement of structural integrity. This is seen in blood vessels, cardiac structures, trachea, lung, and kidney of both VAD patients and ILFN-exposed animals. This means that blood vessels can become thicker, thus impeding the normal blood flow. Within the cardiac structures, the parietal pericardium and the mitral and aortic valves also become thickened
When echocardiography, brain MRI or histological studies are performed, structural changes can be identified, all consistently show significant changes in VAD patients and ILFN-exposed animals.
Wind Turbines are known to emit a broad spectrum of ILFN frequencies, with peak frequencies at below 5Hz.
In Portugal ILFN has been extensively researched, and occupational VAD symptoms have been grouped according to length of exposure during work hours – see here
Those living and working near wind turbines are obviously exposed to Infrasound 24/7. Exposure at night can often result in considerably sleep deprivation.
The detrimental health effects of sleep deprivation are well recognised medically.
The Hayes Mackenzie 2006 report which is often quoted by Government and Council officials gives a time to symptom chart for VAD. [5] The chart is shown below, and is based on occupational exposure to noise (ILFN).
Stage 1 (Mild) 1-4 yrs: Slight mood swings; Indigestion; Heart burn; Mouth/throat infections; Bronchitis.
Stage 2 (Moderate) 4-10 yrs: Chest pain; Definite mood swings; Back pain; Fatigue; Fungal, viral & parasitic infections; Inflammation of stomach lining; Pain and blood in urine; Conjunctivitis; Allergies.
Stage 3 Severe (10 + yrs): Psychiatric disturbances; Haemorrhages of nasal, digestive & conjunctive mucosa; Varicose veins & haemorrhoids (piles); Duodenal ulcers; spastic colitis; Decrease in visual acuity; Headaches; Severe joint pain; Intense muscular pain; Neurological disturbances.
Among the most serious consequences of untreated VAD are rage-reactions, epilepsy, and suicide.
As a rough calculation, without considering sleep deprivation, the time of symptom appearance for ILFN induced WTS should be the VAD time, reduced by a factor of around 4.2 (turbine neighbours who live and work near turbines, 24hrs x 7days x 48working weeks = 8064 hrs exposure per yr, assuming 4 weeks holiday away from turbines; occupational exposure, 8hrs x 5days x 48weeks = 1920 hrs exposure per yr. 8064 divided by 1920 = 4.2).
Thus a 4yr VAD symptom exposure would manifest in 1yr for a WTS exposure, and a 10 year VAD symptom in 2.5yrs for WTS, which indeed appears to be the case.
Less than 1 yr: Headaches; Dizziness; Sleep deprivation; Haemorrhoids; Umbilical hernia; High blood pressure; Fatigue; Tinnitus; Vertigo; Poor concentration & memory; Slight mood swings.
1-4 yrs: Nausea/‘seasickness”; Panic attacks; Annoyance, anger & aggression; Increased agitation of those with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADD/ADHD; Increased blood sugar levels.
4-10 yrs: Thickening of pericardium and blood vessel walls plus other soft tissue damage.
Many other chronic health problems are thought to be created or accelerated, probably by infrasound-induced increased levels of cortisol (which lowers our immune system).
On 5 Sept 2014, the Waubra Foundation wrote to NSW Planning Assessment Commission regarding the Gullen Range Wind Development [attached]. This letter contains much important information regarding ILFN.
The facts are clear:
- Wind turbines emit ILFN, and can do so even when the blades are not turning.
- ILFN is harmful to humans and other life forms, and can kill.
- In the interests of Public Health, the Scottish Government and local Councils should immediately impose a condition on turbine applications that ILFN is measured before and after turbine erection.
- ILFN monitoring should be a mandatory tool that is used to assess any reported health effects from turbines.
The work of the Portuguese team in describing the pathological changes of Vibro acoustic disease is yet another sleeper for the health system.
Vibro Accoustic Disease is also largely unheard of: where internal organs have been damaged by low-frequency noise. Pilots, air stewards and people working on ships and submarines develop a hardening in their internal organs related to the vibration brought on by infrasound. It is now being found that this is happening to people and animals living close to wind turbines.
(Read the judgement, in Portugese, here.)
Since 2008, the high prevalence of acquired flexural limb deformities front was observed in the
Lusitano stud farm. This work aims to evaluate this problem by reporting the results from tissue
alterations in the affected animals as well as environmental conditions and management
changes, which could have led to this observation.
Utrecht 2013 – Low Frequency Noise and Health (pdf 11MB)
The Waubra Foundation in Australia are challenging the planning process which allows wind turbines to be developed so close to human habitation.
There is longstanding and growing clinical and acoustic evidence that industrial wind farm acoustic
emissions directly cause serious harm to the health and well-being of some of their neighbours.
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DP&E) acknowledges this threat caused by
wind farms and, for that reason, has instituted noise guidelines and imposes operational noise
conditions on wind farms. Unfortunately, these guidelines are seriously deficient in protecting against
this source of harm……….read the Submission_here
…….This submission also endorses proposals to roll back the mis-sited wind turbines and for a judicial
enquiry into the departmental maladministration that has allowed this situation to occur and the
Department of Planning’s systematic delinquency in favouring wind farm developers’ interests at the
expense of residents.