Noise & Health Journal have produced a paper on the Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health, written by:
Michael A. Nissenbaum, Jeffery J. Aramini, Christopher D. Hanning
September-October 2012 | Volume 14 | Issue 60
Download the whole document here: Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health
Environmental noise is emerging as one of the major public
health concerns of the twenty-first century.[1] The drive to
‘renewable’, low-carbon energy sources, has resulted in
Industrial Wind Turbines (IWTs) being sited closer to homes in
traditionally quiet rural areas to reduce transmission losses and
costs. Increasing numbers of complaints about sleep disturbance
and adverse health effects have been documented,[2-4] while
industry and government reviews have argued that the effects
are trivial and that current guidance is adequate to protect
the residents.[5,6] We undertook an epidemiological study to
investigate the relationship between the reported adverse health
effects and IWTs among residents of two rural communities.”